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Ira Sukrungruang


About this speaker

Ira Sukrungruang is the author of four nonfiction books Buddha’s Dog & other Meditations, Southside Buddhist, Talk Thai: The Adventures of Buddhist Boy, and the forthcoming memoir, This Jade World; the short story collection The Melting Season; and the poetry collection In Thailand It Is Night. He is the recipient of the 2015 American Book Award, New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Nonfiction Literature, an Arts and Letters Fellowship, and the Anita Claire Scharf Award in Poetry. His work has appeared in many literary journals, including The Rumpus, American Poetry Review, The Sun, and Creative Nonfiction. He is one of the founding editors of Sweet: A Literary Confection (sweetlit.com), and is the Richard L. Thomas Professor of Creative Writing at Kenyon College.

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The Author's Voice

Ira Sukrungruang