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Donald Stewart

Master the Cumulative Sentence

A Talk by Donald Stewart (Founder, Writing Whatever)

About this Talk

Have you ever mumbled to yourself, "I know what I want to say, but I don't know how to say it"? Of course you have. The "How" that you are missing is the style of your writing, and the style of your writing is largely determined by the structure of your sentences and paragraphs. Don Stewart will show you an amazing system to bring those crucial elements alive, by examining the best sources possible—the great authors themselves. Imagine learning how to write like J. K. Rowling, Harper Lee, David Halberstam, Malcolm Gladwell, or Tara Westover. This talk will inspire you to go back to your drafts and write infinitely better.

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13 March 2021, 03:00 PM

03:00 PM - 04:00 PM

About The Speakers

Donald Stewart

Donald Stewart

Founder, Writing Whatever